Monday, June 10, 2013

Students get universityfees & Kim Philby

I'm John'godhas4legs'Gilbert. The purpose of this blog: I record my thoughts, learn from visitors. I AM how I fit into the universe. Go here: Updated Jan 3, 2014 - John's Cosmology ( What is the Universe? ) - .

HowTo get your university fees paid - a wild adventure

Thu, Apr 15, 2010 at 11:17 PM
Thu, Apr 15, 2010
Adam ate from the tree of Knowledge in a Darwnian Garden Of Eden.  Murdering the planet we still think we are smarter than animals and Mother Nature ... J Gilbert
This blog is for entertainment only and does not encourage or condone any illegal activity.
Read this first:
super mole Kim Philby, page 1 of 3
to get context, before reading further.
(excerpt edited Oct 12 2009 & April 15 2010 from my Outlook Express draft file "[4legs] Ideas - projects - sloguns - KEEP PERMANENTLY IN DRAFT FOLDER")
#-- For years I've been disappointed whenever community organizers have told me that they were frustrated organizers, and given up trying to convince their friends and members of the community how to help make a better world.  I have the same problem because of course one has to reach thousands or more to find one individual who is willing to set aside a year of their life to follow their passion.  Maybe instead, frustrated organizers should also spend some time experimenting with tiny projects.  One example could be composing inspirational email message stories like this:
Both Poland and Canada are the mouse with an elephant as their neighbour.  Why does Canada suck up to Washington, but Poland does the opposite - helps H ATO marginalize and surround Russia?  The Polish and Ukraine students - the mice - were directed by $millions coming from rodent-face George Soros and Washington's financial support for the "color revolutions" to rig elections in 'the Stans ' in favor of corporatists against Russia - these so-called democracy movements were rigged to get Canada and all the Western G-7 countries to help fight Israel's wars, and to keep the obsolete old cold war alive.  Why do some anti-war rabble rousers say: "Semitism creates anti-semitism?".  Is it better to say "Zionism creates anti-semitism"?
... so what can one individual student do?
 ... Another option:
Instead of basking in the friendly campus comradeship as a typical campus revolutionary under the eye of the snooping paranoid authorities, some students will lie low and not participate in any of the typical campus protest movements or radical campus anti-capitalist groups.  Working alone in secret is not for everyone.  The ectomorph or the loner, or student of revolution in Poland or in Canada may instead want to try to become a potential super spy after he or she graduates.  Instead of an immature interest in video war games some students could move forward to discover the more interesting real world war games of the planet and try to follow similar footsteps of world's amazing greatest spy - the super mole Kim Philby: ( page 1 of 3).  (Philby was such an embarrassment to the counterespionage agencies of the West after the Cold War that the authorities instigated a huge smear campaign to rewrite history by promoting several fiction based books to blur and demonize the Philby story.)
 ... draft_1: a fictional tale by godhas4legs : 
 ( We are all aware of university students of the humanities becoming intrigued with marxism, especially those in political science, sociology and often among history and economics students . .... )
 Here goes:
A left leaning Toronto political science student at York Uiniversity who was inspired by the life story of Kim Philby decided to join the army to get the government to finance his education.  Then he intended to work his way up through the army to specialize in counterintelligence, later on to join CSIS or RCMP, then planned to write a book about being a double agent mole when he retired at mid life.  A grandiose scheme?  No doubt some Russian, Arab and Chinese students will do the same.  They likely figure that one person's efforts to maintain the world's balance of power by working their way from the bottom up seems better than leaving it to our leaders who work to create a dangerous imbalance of power from the top down.  I wonder what the impact would be on the social networking tweeter crowd, if you forward this version of the Poland/Canada activist story above to somebody? ... NOW
Researching students: this page is also located as this link "(control the planet? ..WOW )" , & the link is located at one of JG's master sites ), where your comment could be more usefull.
 PS - I wrote this page at the's free online blog platform on April 2010, but never emailed the URL to anyone until December 2010 when WikiLeaks hit the world media.  Then I said to myself: "Hey JohnnyLeaks, your one in a million chance of being able to create a few moles all over the planet has been wonderously upstaged by master cyber whistleblower aggregator Julian Assang .  He actually did it.
Along with thousands of freedom fighters in the world, I was much inspired by Assang.  So, on December 11, 2010 I decided to email this page to a few university professors and retired professors and wait for their response to this web page.  I will soon list those professors' names and email addresses on this page, but only if they give me their permission to do so by email.  C'mon guys.  Play with me in my sandbox. Don't be privacy-phobic, send me your permission.  Lets have some fun.

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